Many people think that a shed is just a shed, and that one shed is essentially the same as any other. Nothing could be further from the truth. At Shedmaster, we understand that building the right shed for you always begins with your needs.

Cantebury Shed

Garden sheds are enormously popular and we have sold hundreds of them to happy customers through the years. How about a tool shed? We can create anything your imagination can conjure up. We make tool sheds of any size to accommodate the needs of our customers. A bike shed is the ideal place to store the family bicycles until the warm weather returns.

Carriage House Shed

Every shed has infinite possibilities. We often construct sheds that are converted to workshops, garages, small barns, coops, run-in shelters, greenhouses, screen houses, and sun rooms.

Colonial Shed

Whatever the particular functionality you need your shed to fulfill, the building still needs to be placed somewhere on your property. Therefore, it is important to give serious consideration to the shed's aesthetics. The last thing you want is to place a shed on your property that does not fit in with the surroundings. This is why we have created a number of exterior designs that you can choose from, no matter what the intended use of the shed will be. It is important that the shed you choose fits in well with the larger picture of the space you call home.

Storage Master Shed

First is our most popular "Cantebury" design. With a familiar peaked, a-frame style roof, this is a true classic that anyone would be proud to own. Next is the very popular "Carriage House" model. This beauty comes with a stylish extended front roof line and large soffit, as well a 7'-1" high front wall that provides you with plenty of interior working space. Third, and a big favorite, is our spacious "Storage Master," model, featuring a gambrel roof with plenty of overhead storage in mind to put all that extra space to use.